Homespice Braided Rug Warranty
Jute Braided Rugs Comes with a six-month limited repair or replacement warranty to the initial purchaser and original seller.
All other products come with a three year limited repair or replacement warranty to the initial purchaser and original seller.
Our products will be free from manufacturing defects for the stated period dating from the date of delivery to the original seller.
Follow the rug maintenance protocol on ( to care for your rug and to keep from voiding the warranty on your product.
See our Return Policy on our website for directions in making a Warranty Claim
This warranty does not cover certain conditions or characteristics such as those described below that may affect the rug’s appearance and performance over time. This includes but is not limited to: Fading, tears, sprouts, burns, cuts, pulls, any damage caused by pets or other external damage, deterioration, stain, loss of color or appearance caused by abuse, or improper or inadequate maintenance. It does not cover rugs placed on ramps or any area regularly subjected to wheeled or rolling apparatus.
This warranty is limited to the actual repair or replacement. Homespice Décor’s total liability shall not exceed the invoice amount to the original seller. Homespice Décor is not responsible for bodily injury, property loss or damage, removal or relocation of furnishing, or any incidental or consequential damages or costs associated with repair or replacement.
Our limited repair or replacement warranty does not cover any damage from clips that may be used to suspend rugs on a display rack. We warrant to the initial purchaser (consumer) and original seller (dealer or retailer) our products will be free of manufacturing defects for a limited time from the date of delivery to the original (dealer or retailer).